July 11, 2008

The Issues Concerning District 5...

On Transportation:
Will you support the concept of a “loop” around the Baton Rouge area on a scale of 1-10? 

This is the capital city of the State and should represent progressive leadership. The need for a traffic loop around Baton Rouge is long overdue and obviously would produce significant economic development opportunities in the Region. Multiple beltways should also be considered as a short term, cost effective alternative.

Will you support the prioritization and continued execution of the Green Light Plan to accelerate congestion relief? 

Post Katrina, simple modifications and configuration of the traffic flow on Airline Highway created less congestion and credible improvements. This initiative should proceed with all deliberate speed.

Will you authorize strategic adjustments of CATS to improve efficiency and services to the public? 

CATS’ systems of operations are antiquated and require major overhaul. Speaking as a service provider and community development practitioner, we must replicate models that work and are designed to be 21st century competitive. This must begin with leadership at the top.

On the City-Parish Infrastructure:
Will you support balloting a bond issue to address infrastructure needs and other capital improvements to ensure capacity for business recruitment and economic growth? 

Insufficient information is provided and more details are required to respond to this proposal. In addition, more credible evidence is needed that all parts of the Parish are benefiting from such an initiative.

Will you publicly and actively support the bond issue put before East Baton Rouge voters?

Undecided – Have no additional comment.

On Economic Incentives:
Will you support continuing the partnership between the Metro Council and the Baton Rouge Area Chamber to promote economic development? 

I represent a predominately North Baton Rouge constituency who feel disenfranchised and disconnected from the main stream and many of BRAC’s priorities. There is great opportunity for the next Council member to give voice to their concerns and work to alleviate the disparities. As a 1998 Greater Baton Rouge Leadership alumna and have been a member of the Chamber for over a decade, I look forward to these conversations taking place.

Will you approve local incentives such as enterprise zones for business development projects that demonstrate a positive return on investment?

Yes! This is a no brainer.

Will you support the concept and the establishment of a “deal-closing fund” for East Baton Rouge parish to improve local competitiveness on key business development opportunities? 

Many view these deals as corporate welfare. Support would be much more palatable if balanced with an equally strong leadership position by BRAC as it relates to helping all citizens gain access to assets and opportunities in ultimately removing LA from the “F” category published in the recent cfed.org Scorecard published nationwide.

Will you support the aggressive pursuit of incentives to attract low-cost carriers to the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport? 

This has universal appeal and benefit! As a member of the Baton Rouge Metro Airport Commission, I support this proposal 100%!

Will you work to ensure the parish has a positive business climate?

Absolutely! It is in our best interest to have a thriving economy that creates opportunity while ensuring the environmental health and safety of our citizens.

Smart Growth? You’ve probably heard the term, Smart Growth. For brief clarification, Smart Growth is defined as investing resources, not just money, but time and attention in restoring community and improving the quality of the neighborhoods where we live. Smart Growth is centered in creating places for people, walkable neighborhoods with a mix of commercial/retail properties and different housing choices, providing multiple transportation options, encouraging collaboration among the community and investors, and preserving our natural assets. 

District 5 has large tracts of undeveloped land – Prime spaces for demonstration (mixed use) projects. Typically, no one that truly understands smart growth objects. Although NIMBY attitudes have surfaced more intensely in these type of developments across the Parish.

Will you support Progressive Regional Initiatives (Mass Transit, Wastewater and Water Infrastructure, Roads and Highways, Commercial & Industrial, Land Regulations & Planning & Zoning)

Baton Rouge has an awesome opportunity to be a catalyst for building a progressive region. I support this commitment without reservation!